Little, Ola partner to help customers cut transaction costs


Little has partnered with Ola Energy to enable  customers  use Little Pay, a payment service within the Little SuperApp platform, to purchase goods and services at Ola stations.

The solution targets to cut down transaction cost for drivers and other users while at the same time boosting the war against the spread of Covid-19 through promotion of cashless payments.

In order for the driver to transact at various merchant locations, they would need to move the money to their mobile money wallet.

“Many of our drivers earn revenue from cashless and corporate trips. The money sits in the Little Driver account within their Little Driver App,” Little CEO Kamal Budhabhatti said.

He explained that with Little Pay, drivers don’t need to move money out of their Little App in order to purchase services.

The new partnership will see many of our drivers and customers save from transaction costs linked to electronic cash transfers.

Little is in the process of extending Fuliza Fuel kind of service based on the data we have about our 100,000+ drivers.


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