Tata Chemicals Magadi Eyes Innovative Climate Smart Solutions for Growth


Tata Chemicals Magadi has expressed confidence and optimism in the future of its business in Kenya, anchored on innovative and climate-smart solutions.
The Company expressed its confidence in the Kenyan economy where its turnaround efforts have paid off with transformation to a competitive operation.
The Company in the meanwhile has also been working to long-term sustainability of the lake by addressing the issue of siltation in collaboration with local community. This involves planting trees upstream, creating check dams in the water catchment areas, thereby limiting soil erosion and siltation.
Further, to combat reduced rains and drought arising from climate change, the Company is building dams, drilling boreholes, and maintaining water pipelines. This is augmented by water supplied through bowsers and rail wagons, thus ensuring that the community has access to adequate water for domestic use and the livelihood of their livestock.
In furthering education, the company runs three bursary schemes targeting the local community. The scheme has so far benefited over 300 university graduates and about 800 secondary school students.
Critical to the operation is the long distance the product travels on the meter gauge rail from Magadi to the port of Mombasa for export to its international markets. The company manages this through ownership and maintenance of the 146 kms rail line from Magadi to Konza. The company continues to engage the management of Kenya Railways in efforts to improve the efficiency of this line.
The company is addressing the high energy costs through climate-smart investments including a 10 MW solar power plant, awaiting regulatory approvals.
The company’s managing director, Subodh Srivastav explained that “The Company’s turnaround strategy is anchored on innovation ranging from improved product quality, a new range of products in the pipeline, use of renewable energy, training of its workforce and efficiency in its operations. We are optimistic that we will make significant strides in the development of our business in Kenya, working with the government, the community, and other stakeholders while maintaining high ethical governance standards.”


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