… Following a country wide market surveillance activity on galvanized roofing
sheets, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has observed with great concern the presence of
substandard Roofing sheets in the market that do not fully comply with the requirements of.
KS EAS 11: 2019. Hot-dip Galvanized plain and corrugated steel sheets – specification.
KS EAS 410: 2021. Hot-dip Aluminium-Zinc coated plain and corrugated steel sheets –
The test reports revealed that the weight of the coating metal used by some brands is way below what is
stipulated in the Standard. This not only greatly compromises the quality and performance of the Roofing
sheet metal but also, manufacturers of these brands are undercutting their competitors, resulting in a
very uneven playing ground.
It has also come to the attention of Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) that some manufacturers are
importing and processing roofing sheets whose widths are below what is stipulated in the standard. This
is a serious malpractice because buyers of such products do not get value for their money.
Additionally, some manufacturers are not labelling at all or not properly labelling some of these roofing
products; and this a major non-conformity because in the absence of adequate marking, consumers are
not able to make informed decisions when purchasing the product.
Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) therefore wishes to warn manufacturers, importers and retailers that
KEBS market surveillance officers will seize any substandard roofing sheets found in the market. In
addition, Standardization Mark Permits for the non-complying brands shall be suspended until corrective
action is undertaken under supervision of KEBS.
The following are the brands whose Roofing sheets were tested and found not complying with KS EAS
11: 2019. Hot-dip Galvanized plain and corrugated steel sheets – specification, and KS EAS 410:
2021. Hot-dip Aluminium-Zinc coated plain and corrugated steel sheets – specification.
1. Haut International Galvanized Roofing Sheets HAUT INTL
2. Mwananchi Mabati Company Limited Galvanized Roofing Sheets MWANANCHI
3. Obor technology Kenya Limited Galvanized Roofing Sheets PANDA
The KEBS product certification scheme certifies and issues a Standardization Mark (SM) permit or
Diamond Mark of Quality once the product complies with the relevant Kenya Standard. Imports are also
issued with a Unique Consignment Reference (UCR) number. Sale of products that do not comply with
Kenya Standards is prohibited by the Laws of Kenya under the Standards Act Chapter 496 with penalties
including prosecution.
We encourage the general public to be vigilant and inform KEBS upon encountering any products
suspected to be substandard. Wajibika Na KEBS is a program that allows the public to report cases of
substandard products. To Wajibika, verify whether the S-Mark permit on your product is valid by sending
the code underneath the S-Mark to 20023 (SM#Code) to get product manufacturing details. If the details
are different, invalid or not traceable to the platform, kindly report to KEBS through Toll Free Number
1545 during official working hours 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM, Monday to Friday. If
you are aware of any kind of foul play by any manufacturer, also report those cases to KEBS through the
toll-free number.


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