Kenya Rugby Union Board and the Kenya Old Boys join Hands to grow the Sport


The Old Boys indicated that they have a mentor-ship plan that would include the management setup at club level and senior players in the game

The Kenya Rugby Union board of directors has reached out to the Kenya Old Boys, a grouping of senior Rugby veterans, many of who are former internationals.

This morning, at a media conference conference convened at RFUEA Grounds, Ngong Road, the Old Boys convener, Beth Omollo said:
“We have been trying to see how we can help the game all round, and are happy that this board as been receptive”

His colleague and former KRU secretary, Frank Sabwa reckoned tongue-in-cheek, “We are happy to have a Chairman who recognizes the wisdom of those who have been there before”

Sabwa added that the Old Boys were keen to serve in three main areas:

“We see that the chairman is keen on long term player development. We are happy to contribute to the age grade program where it all should start”

The Old Boys also indicated that they have a mentor-ship plan that would include the management setup at club level and senior players in the game. They were keen to use their contacts and skills to help unlock corporate partnerships.

“The Board is ready to work with every stakeholder and to use any help it can get from whichever quarter. There are exciting times ahead,” said Oduor Gangla, the KRU chairman.


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