Envisioning KEBS Metrology in the digital era


Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), as a member of The Meter Convention, today
joined hands with the global metrological community during World Metrology Day to pay tribute and usher in
a new era of digital transformation in metrology. The celebration was done at the Panari hotel, Nairobi and
was represented by over 100 participants from different sectors.
This year’s global theme “Metrology in the digital era” was chosen because digital technology is
revolutionizing and transforming interconnectivity in all spheres. “Measurement values, data, algorithms,
mathematical and statistical procedures as well as communication and security architectures represent the
basis of digital expansion and transformation”, said Lt Col (Rtd.) Bernard N. Njiraini, Managing Director,
Kenya Bureau of Standards during the vibrant event.
World Metrology Day is marked on May 20th, every year (since the inception of The Meter Convention in
1875), where various metrological entrenchments and achievements are globally recognized and celebrated.
“Currently, 63 nations have signed the meter convention, Kenya, through Kenya Bureau of Standards
(KEBS), being one of them”, said Njiraini.
The fragrance and significance of Metrology, the science of measurement and its application, has continually
become an ever-present reality. It has unprecedentedly and considerably grown in leaps and bounds in many
sectors of the economy such as trade, health, manufacturing, scientific research and innovation.
At KEBS, it is one of the core technical functions, discharged through Metrology Department —which acts as
a National Metrology Institute (NMI) and the custodian of the national measurement standards.
The state-of-the art metrology laboratories are hinged on the international best practices (ISO/IEC 17025),
and provide accurate and reliable measurements that form the basis for sound scientific research, technical
development and production, both locally and regionally.
Moreover, these laboratories’ calibration activities ensure that goods, services and processes comply with
product quality, environmental, health and safety requirements, as well as meet the consumer’s needs and
expectations. Thus, KEBS provides the measurement traceability link to the International System of Units
In tandem with the emerging technological advancements (like Big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT),
cloud computing and additive/automated manufacturing) which have immensely globalized economies, as
Kenya’s Metrological powerhouse, KEBS’ unswerving commitment to digitalization of its metrological
services remains formidable


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