Siemens and Anglo American Platinum collaborate on digital and automation skills...
There is an opportunity, especially in Africa to embrace new and exponential technologies combined with human talent to accelerate industrialization and drive economic growth
Hustle East Africa Magazine Brings You Up-to-the-Minute News about the African...
Hustle east Africa brings you up to date information and developments at the Africa Innovation Summit in Rwanda. Keep reading.
1 Main Summit and 3 Satellite Summits: Scaling up disruptive solutions...
Each satellite event will have local organization and flavour; the plenary sessions in Kigali will be streamed to all Satellite locations
Given the challenge...
Africa Innovation Summit II Special side event on “Innovations in Electoral...
A nation’s ability to raise its productivity and compete in the global market, its growth and income sustainably over the long term depends largely...
M-Pesa Gets GSMA Certification
M-PESA Passes Independent Assessment in Offering Safer, More Transparent and More Resilient Financial Services. ...
Nurturing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship
By The Hustle Team
In Kenya, the effects of unemployment have already infiltrated all spheres of life. High crime rates among other social ills, can...
Riziki Source is a blessing for people with disability
Imagine a scenario where a group of people sit in a lobby awaiting to take turns...
Mogwli Mentoring: Preparing the Next Generation Entrepreneurs
Mowgli Mentoring, an award winning organization was founded to support the people driving economic and social development through mentoring
By Amos Wachira
Globally, entrepreneurship plays a...
Why do Local Start-ups Find It Hard to Access Funding? A...
Entrepreneurs have to walk a tight string to make in in business. They have to overcome great odds stacked against them on their way...