Jennifer Karina appointed Kenya Re Chair


Jennifer Karina has been in corporate leadership for over 40 years. She is a Psychologist, Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Practitioner, acclaimed Speaker& Author.  She is a thought leader in relationship strategies and has been a researcher for over three decades.

Ms Karina holds a Master of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology from Durham University and a Higher Diploma in Psychological Counselling from Kenya Institute of Professional Counselling.

She started her career at Dawa Pharmaceuticals Limited in 1977, then moved to Manager-Operations at Ljubljanska Bank East Africa Representative Office in 1982.

She also served as a director at Narika Company Limited between 1998-2012. Between 2005-2014, she was the Managing Director of Anchor Consult. She is currently the Chief Commissioner of the Kenya Girl Guides Association.


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