Companies that ignore bulk SMS don’t know what they are missing!-InfinityTech



Is bulk SMS something you have ever thought of introducing to your marketing strategy? If not, you don’t know what you are missing.

SMS notifications play a major role in businesses these days as they are an effective way to interact with customers and administrators quickly and directly. Retailers can send SMS notifications to the customers and potential clients to inform them about their orders, current promotions, new products and services, offers etc. This increases the level of customer service.

Mobile phones have been around for sometime now. According to statistics by digital marketing magazine, 5.1 billion out of 6.8 billion people on earth own a mobile phone- that’s a huge market. Technology has become a necessity and therefore businesses should not only target those people with smartphones as some of the audience will only have a basic mobile phone. Good news is that bulk SMS enables you to reach anyone with a mobile phone whether basic or a smart phone.

That said, let us look at how big an impact bulk SMS can have on your business.

  • SMS has higher open rates– On an average, a person looks at his/her phone 150 times per day. Use of SMS notification in your e commerce website gives you an edge, as it has way higher open rates than any other mode of business communication.
  • SMS notifications are fast– because of its short length and less time-Consuming nature, 90% of  SMS get read within 3 minutes of delivery and 94% get read within 5 minutes of delivery. This is important to serve an eager customer who is waiting for his/her order to arrive.
  • SMS is cost-effective-Besides the high open and read rates, SMS notifications are one of the most cost-effective ways to market and provide service. It is far cheaper than direct marketing or calling customers to update them about their orders.
  • Bulk SMS is not Internet dependent–Unlike email, SMS is not Internet dependent and overcomes these technical issues. It will deliver the crucial order related SMS and update your customer on time.


What about the use of SMS in developing countries? SMS provides a reliable platform for streamlining communication strategies across the globe including areas with limited to no internet access. The power of SMS in these cases is transformative. When considering how effective SMS is, we are reminded of how the simple SMS is in fact already helping to change lives for the better.


With barriers that continue to exist with WhatsApp business, Facebook messenger, google chats etc, SMS remains the only viable business tool. It has dominated the text messaging space for business messaging for more than two decades and it will continue to do so for years to come.

For more information on bulk sms and services, please visit




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