Upfield, manufacturers of the Blue Band spread and the nutritional sponsors of Dream Football Kenya participates in the biggest football scouting tournament in Meru County, at Kaaga Primary School.

The tournament which is part of the KPSSA – Kenya Primary School Sports Association, under the Ministry of Education, will bring together primary school children from different parts of the country to participate in the tournament.

Dream Football Kenya which is undersigned by Dream Football Portugal and co-owned by Luis Figo seeks to make the next generation of international football stars. This has been achieved through school football activations, street football, football academies and sports tournaments with the aim of scouting for the best players aged between 4 – 16 years old.

The Agency stands for four pillars which include Nutrition, Physical training, Education and Life skills. This will see 44 children join the boot camp of which 14 of those will be selected to form a team that will have the opportunity to get scouted into the La Liga Teams.

As the sponsors, Blue Band seeks to promote and educate on the importance of a good breakfast by providing a good breakfast to the players in the tournaments and during the boot camp training sessions.

‘We are excited to be part of this fulfilling project that will see us having our talented stars rise, shine and represent us locally and even globally in the football space. As a brand, we endeavor to promote the importance of a good breakfast in children for better school performance and in co-curricular activities such as sports. We believe that for a child to have the energy to participate in school activities and sports, he or she must endeavor to practice a good breakfast routine” Wanjiku Njonjo, Upfield Marketing Manager, said.

The agency is present in 5 countries with over 75 children having been scouted into various clubs in La Liga. Using mobile application as the main platform to scout talented children, the agency has partnered with Ambassador Players such as Ronaldinho Gaucho and Mario Balotelli, with Manchester United and Real Madrid among those who support the mobile application and provide club opportunities.

Good Sportsmanship requires a good breakfast to get the essential nutrients and energy needed to boost and sustain energy levels by giving a good head start of the day.


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