Eddys Kitchen Initiative Launches School Feeding Program in Nyalunya Primary School


The poverty status of most parents in Kisumu East is keeping many children out of school despite the 2013 Free Primary Education (FPE) aimed at improving living standards and fighting and eradicating poverty.


Even as the local government places new measures in dealing with this matter, Eddys Kitchen Initiative has begun a school feeding program to woo pupils back to school. One of such programs was introduced today at Nyalunya Primary School which guarantees free breakfast and lunch for over 700 students. The free meal program launched by Director of Education Kisumu East Sub-county Mr. Stanley Shitanda in the presence of the Area Chief Mr. Elijah Omumbo E.K. team and the school board is also aimed at preventing health risks among the school children.


Under the School Feeding Program Nyalunya Primary School pupils are expected to be provided daily with two highly nutritional meals. The new program is expected to improve the nutritional status of school children, as well as increase their enrolment, retention, and completion rate in primary schools.

Mr. Shitanda stressed the need for Elementary School Board Members, PTAs, and parents to support the sustainability of the program.


The program will hopefully have a positive impact on the acceleration of girls’ education in Kisumu East Sub-county. The Initiative’s long-term plan is to enroll as many elementary schools as possible in Kisumu County.



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