Ease of movement a key priority for the affordable housing program


The Government has confirmed elaborate plans to adopt modern vehicular traffic management systems as a key component in the 500,000 affordable homes program.

The affordable homes program (AHP) which is one of the Big 4 Agenda will feature access and movement systems and service plans to ensure smooth movement of persons from their homes to their areas of economic activity. Access to movement to and within the sites earmarked for the affordable housing program has been incorporated as a design principle within the development framework guidelines.

Speaking on behalf of Charles Hinga Mwaura, the Principal Secretary for the State Department for Housing and Urban Development at the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) workshop, Nairobi Area Transport Authority (NAMATA) Board Director, Ronald Ndegwa said the development framework for AHP will incorporate improved transit access systems to curb perennial traffic jams associated with large projects.

As plans for Nairobi’s upcoming Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) project, ITDP Africa is advocating the extension of the corridor through Nairobi’s central business district. Where previous models considered diverting the BRT’s path around the city’s busiest central blocks, ITDP analysis shows that bringing the system into the city’s downtown would benefit users and improve traffic conditions.

The ITDP proposals, Hinga confirmed, will be incorporated in the AHP projects, which will also provide segregation of motorized and non-motorized forms.

“To achieve Affordable Housing Program objectives we must facilitate ease of movement in an effective and reliable manner,” Hinga said adding that, “Our project design principles feature clear policies on access and movement including cycling paths and pedestrian friendly walkways to boost non-motorized forms of transport uptake.”

The typical land breakdown in the AHP development framework will incorporate residential housing units on 50% of the project land. Utilities, Roads, and Services will sit on 25% of the land while Open Spaces and Community Facilities with Retail amenities will sit on 15 and 10% of the land space respectively.

The affordable housing program incorporates supply, demand, and enabling environment interventions.

The AHP project pipeline will be developed in five lots and lists Lot 1 developments as follows: Park road (1,640), Makongeni (20,000), Shauri Moyo (5,300), Starehe (3,500), Mavoko (5,500), Social housing (15,000), Nairobi and Mombasa Counties (78,700), other Counties (48,000) and the completion of legacy projects which will be announced soon.


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