Bamburi Cement Feted For Championing Diversity And Inclusion


National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) Chairman Gen (Rtd) Dr Julius Waweru Karangi presents the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards & Recognition (DIAR) second ‘Most Inclusive Listed Company ‘ Award to Bamburi Cement’s HR Business Partner & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager Beatrice Kirubi and staff. Bamburi Cement Country CEO Seddiq Hassani also notched second in the ‘C-Suite Executives’ Award.
Bamburi Cement was named the second most inclusive listed company at the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards & Recognition (DIAR) held on Friday, 3rd March, 2023. Concurrently, the cement marker’s Managing Director, Seddiq Hassani was recognized for his inclusivity efforts, taking first runner’s up position in the ‘C-suite Executives’ category.

Bamburi said in a statement the recognitions are a testament to Mr Hassani’s leadership and dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace culture at Bamburi Cement. He has been instrumental in ensuring that all employees feel valued and supported. Under his leadership, Bamburi Cement has implemented several initiatives to promote diversity, including the development of employee training programs, and partnerships with diverse organizations.
Mr Hassani noted that if inclusion remains a privilege experienced only by those at senior levels, companies and enterprises risk missing crucial considerable growth benefits.

“We are delighted and honoured to be named as the 2nd most inclusive listed company,” Mr. Seddiq noted. “It is a demonstration of our commitment to ensuring inclusion for all, with significant attention being on gender diversity, which remains a challenge in our construction sector.”


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